Social Prescribing further information


See what services are available to support specific needs as well as some of the fun things happening around Prestwich through Autumn and as we move into December!

Download the Autumn edition community booklet, the November newsletter, and December special social event; just click on the link below.

Autumn 2024 What's on locally.pdf

November 2024 Newsletter.pdf

December songs 2024.pdf


We’ve a busy week next week with the first of our special Winter events on Tuesday when Graphene City will be back with us to celebrate the start of the Winter season! Come along and join us! If you haven’t already purchased one of our special calendars for £5 with photos of Greater Manchester taken by one of our local residents please come along on Tuesday or let myself or Joanne know you would like one and we will arrange to drop off for you.  



Church Lane Social drop in, Church Lane Community Centre, Church Lane, Prestwich M25 1AJ.

12 noon - 3pm -December Songs! We’re delighted to be welcoming back Graphene City Band for an afternoon of music, laughter and good company. Come along and join us as we raise money for the community centre. We’ll have sandwiches, snacks and refreshments available. We’re looking forward to seeing you



10:30am - 12 noon - Listening Ear Cafe, Next door at Macca’s, Longfield shopping centre, Prestwich - Are you aged 30 or under or caring for someone under 30 then come and join us for a brew and chat and share a worry and find out information about what can support you.


1pm - 2:30pm - Let’s Talk, Next door at Macca’s, Longfield shopping centre, Prestwich - Are you caring for someone with autism - come along and join our supportive group.



10.30 - 2.30 Church Lane Community Centre, Prestwih - Friendly Friday, come and join us for good company, tea/coffee, biscuits, and cake.



As always if there is anything you are struggling with and you would like a one to one wellbeing appointment please get in touch and we will arrange

Julie and Jo 😊



For more information please contact or ring Julie on 07713 750 458 or ask your GP surgery or health professional to send your details.

Prestwich and Whitefield Wellbeing Support Pack

“Not being able to get out very much I’ve found this pack really useful in giving me something to do and feeling like a part of the community. I look forward to receiving the pack each quarter and am really pleased I’ve been asked to contribute something too”        D – Prestwich


The wellbeing and support pack is full of activities to keep you active, supported, entertained and create a sense of belonging. It is available each season, meaning you get 4 wonderful copies each year! 

If you require any further help or support, contact you local social prescriber Julie today and find out how a social prescriber can help you!

Download your free copy of the Prestwich and Whitefield Wellbeing Support Pack

Pink heart with white beat line, on a purple background. A beginners exercise class
A lady sits in front of an optician whilst having her eyes tested
Pink speech bubbles read, Let's talk about menopause Thurs 8th June @ 10.30am Prestwich Library.
A human hand holds a silver carving knife to carve into a piece of brown wood